Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Nano-Carbon Enhanced Materials consortium to launch in Cambridge

CfBI's latest collaborative consortium focussing on the use of Graphene and Carbon Nano Tubes in novel applications such as 'smart polymers' 'super copper' and 'novel electronic devices' will launch in Downing College Cambridge on April 19.

With members including: Nokia (Finnland); ST Microelectronics (Italy); Nexans (France); Codeleco (Chile); International Copper Association (USA); Thales (UK/France); Bosch (Germany) as well as Oxford Instruments and the National Grid from the UK the line-up for the Nano-Carbon Enhanced Materials Consortium is truely international.

For further details contact bojan.boskovic@cfbi.com or visit http://www.cfbi.com/index_files/nanocarbon.htm

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