Monday 17 July 2023

Future of Education Consortium launches


CfBI and European Diplomats launch the Future of Education Consortium

Embrace the power of collaboration, embrace the future of education.

Are you passionate about the Future of Education? Does your organisation work to

advance education by incorporating cutting-edge technologies? Then do not miss this


The education landscape is evolving constantly, driven by rapid advancements in

technology. These advancements bring about great opportunities to foster inclusive,

interactive, and personalised teaching experiences. While the potential of EdTech

solutions is undeniable, there are numerous hurdles and risks that need to be

considered. Let us face the challenges associated with these developments together

and use the potential to prepare teachers and learners for the future!

CfBI and European Diplomats are excited to introduce the Future of Education Consortium:

As a member of the Consortium, you become part of an exclusive community that

embraces change and embraces the potential of technology. Collaborate with

renowned experts in educational technology, pedagogy, curriculum design, and more.

Engage in stimulating discussions, exchange insights, and discover cutting-edge

approaches that enhance student engagement, improve outcomes, and foster lifelong


With the Future of Education Consortium, you gain access to a wealth of resources

and knowledge. Stay at the forefront of educational trends, research, and best practice

through curated content, exclusive reports, and thought-provoking Consortium

meetings. Our Consortium is committed to equipping you with the tools and insights

needed to navigate the evolving educational landscape successfully.

Expand your horizons, unlock new opportunities, and find inspiration from fellow

change-makers who share your vision

Details from

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